extends BillingBase
in package
Billing API wrapper
The class is intended to provide interface to Portaone billing API. It handles authorisation, access token management and API call handling. It needs ConfigInterface object as source of every configuraton aspect
See 'API documentation' section on
Table of Contents
- DATETIME_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
- Billing API datetime format
- __construct() : mixed
- Setup the class, load (if any) saved session state and get it ready to use
- call() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Perform billing API call.
- callAsync() : mixed
- Performs async call to the billing and returns promise
- callConcurrent() : void
- Perform bulk billig call, running multiple concurrent requests at once.
- checkSession() : void
- Does active sesson check to billing server, relogin if required
- getUsername() : string|null
- Return current user login name
- isSessionPresent() : bool
- Returns true if session data exit and not expired
- login() : void
- Do login and setup the session.
- logout() : void
- Closes the session explicitly.
- makeRequest() : RequestInterface
- Creates PSR-7 Request object for API call
- processResponse() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Process billing response, given as Response object
- timeToBilling() : string
- Return billing API string at UTC fro given Datetime object
- timeToLocal() : DateTime
- Convert billing-supplied UTC time string to DateTime object with target timezone
Billing API datetime format
= 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
Setup the class, load (if any) saved session state and get it ready to use
__construct(ConfigInterface $config) : mixed
On construct:
- Check the cached session token expire time within margin or left
- If token expire soon (within configured margin), try to refresh token
- If token expired or refresh failed - try to relogin if account data present, throwing exceptions on failures.
- If no accoount data present, just left the class un-logged-in, then you need login() to get it connected
- $config : ConfigInterface
Configuration object to run
Return values
mixed —call()
Perform billing API call.
call(string $endpoint[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Reference to your billing system API docs, located at https://your-billing-sip-host/doc/api/ or API section of Portaone docs site Mind your billing release version.
- $endpoint : string
API endpoint as per docs, exapmle: '/Customer/get_customer_info'
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = []
API requst params to put into "params" section
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —Billing system answer, converted to associative array. If billing retuns file, returns array with keys:
$returned = [
'filename' => 'Invoice1234.pdf', // string, returned file name,
'mime' => 'application/pdf', // string, MIME file type
'stream' => Stream // PSR-7 stream object with file
Performs async call to the billing and returns promise
callAsync(string $endpoint[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ]) : mixed
This method is backend-dependent. In fact, it receives promise from client adapter and wraps it with processResponse() to next promise and returns.
As a result, returned promise will contain processed billing response (array) on fulfilled or throw proper exceptions in failures, behave the same way as method::call() method do.
- $endpoint : string
API endpoint as per docs, exapmle: '/Customer/get_customer_info'
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = []
API requst params to put into "params" section
Return values
mixed —backend-dependent 'thenable' promise
On fulfill, promise contains Billing system answer, converted to associative array. If billing retuns file, returns array with keys:
$returned = [
'filename' => 'Invoice1234.pdf', // string, returned file name,
'mime' => 'application/pdf', // string, MIME file type
'stream' => Stream // PSR-7 stream object with file
On reject, it will contain (and throw as unwrapped):
- PortaException on general errors
- PortaAuthException on auth-related errors
- PortaApiException on API returned an error
Perform bulk billig call, running multiple concurrent requests at once.
callConcurrent(iteratable<string|int, mixed> $operations[, int $concurency = 20 ]) : void
Method crawling recursively the traversable given to find all AsyncOperationInterface objects and then process it in parallel with given concurrency (default 20). After run, the objects filled with answers or exceptions depending of each separate call results. it is safe as if there no object, it just do nothing silently, but still do a session check call.
Please, take care to ensure the session is up and warm. If session fail for any reason, this metod will not relogin even credentials set. Therefore, all the bundle of async calls will faile and array be populateed with auth exceptions. If you can't be sure on session state, please use checkSession() before call to ensure session is up and Ok. Do not trust to isSessionPresent(), it only checks token state, it does not means the session OK on the server side.
- $operations : iteratable<string|int, mixed>
array or any other multi-level iterable, containing objects, implementing AsyncOperationInterface
- $concurency : int = 20
how much calls to run in parallel. Default is 20.
WARNING: due of some reasons increasing of concurrency over some empiric value does not decrease overall time to complete all the requests and even make it longer. In fact, PHP does not support async operations, so all the magic comes from cURL multi-call, so it could be combination of limitations: cURL, PortaOne server and PHP itlself. As for me, 20 works fine.
Return values
void —checkSession()
Does active sesson check to billing server, relogin if required
checkSession() : void
Completes 'Session/ping' call to check session state, then:
- If session not recognised, and credentials present, trying to relogin
- If no credentials in config or login failure - throws auth exception
Return values
void —getUsername()
Return current user login name
getUsername() : string|null
Returns username taken from access token or null if no session is up
Return values
string|null —isSessionPresent()
Returns true if session data exit and not expired
isSessionPresent() : bool
Returns true if session data (token) exists and not expired, false if not logged in for any reason.
Does not complete active sesion check to the server. Due of serveer configuratioin issues token may be invalidated for inactivity before it's expire time really has come. So, positive isSessionUp() only means persistent session data loaded,
Return values
bool —login()
Do login and setup the session.
login(array<string|int, mixed> $account) : void
The session data will be stored if session storage class is supplied
- $account : array<string|int, mixed>
Account record to login to the billing. Combination of login+password or login+token required
$account = [ 'login' => 'myUserName', // Mandatory username 'password' => 'myPassword', // When login with password 'token' => 'myToken' // When login with API token
Return values
void —logout()
Closes the session explicitly.
logout() : void
Will call '/Session/logout' api method. Due of some problems with Portaone resposes, session will considered closed whatever server respond. No server error will be respected, but conenction errors will thrown.
Return values
void —makeRequest()
Creates PSR-7 Request object for API call
makeRequest(string $endpoint[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ]) : RequestInterface
Creates Request with all necessaly elements could be send to the billing API: endpoint, data, auth headers and all other.
This used for all other functions, but you may also got request, send it with some specific client, async, multitread, wrap or whatever else, and then got Respose object and process the response with static processResponse() method below. all the processing sounds like:
// Creating PSR-7 HTTP Request object
$request = $billing->makeRequest(
'/Section/get_something_info', // Endpoint
['i_something' => 42] // Params
// Perform call with PSR-18 HTTP client
$response = $client->sendRequest($request);
// Parse response, extract data or files, handle errors
$result = Billing::processResponse($response);
Reference to your billing system API docs, located at https://your-billing-sip-host/doc/api/ or API section of Portaone docs site Mind your billing release version.
- $endpoint : string
billing API endpoint
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = []
API request params to put into "params" section
Return values
RequestInterface —processResponse()
Process billing response, given as Response object
static processResponse(ResponseInterface $response) : array<string|int, mixed>
The full response nadling be provided, includint throwing exceptions on different errors, if any.
Companion function to makeRequest(). All the processing sounds like:
// Creating PSR-7 HTTP Request object
$request = $billing->makeRequest(
'/Section/get_something_info', // Endpoint
['i_something' => 42] // Params
// Perform call with PSR-18 HTTP client
$response = $client->sendRequest($request);
// Parse response, extract data or files, handle errors
$result = Billing::processResponse($response);
- $response : ResponseInterface
object got from the biliing as answer
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —billing answer, converted to associative array
Return billing API string at UTC fro given Datetime object
static timeToBilling(DateTimeInterface $time) : string
The DateTime obhject given will not change.
- $time : DateTimeInterface
Datetime object to take time from
Return values
string —Billing API-type datetime string, shifted to UTC
Convert billing-supplied UTC time string to DateTime object with target timezone
static timeToLocal(string $billingTime[, string $timezone = 'UTC' ]) : DateTime
- $billingTime : string
- datetime string as billing returns
- $timezone : string = 'UTC'
- timezone string like 'Europe/London" or '+3000', as defined at