in package
Simple PSR-16 cache implementation with file storage
It's very simple implementation of PSR-16 to avoid unused dependencies in a case you need just store persistent billing session in low load environment.
It is quite specific to the library requirements and not recommended to be used to store something else but session data.
The library takes session data from cache on each request, and may generate series of sequential operations like has() -> $get() so this class will cache read current content for a small time, but will write immediately. This match the usage pattern and then this cache implementation is specific.
Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- CacheInterface
Table of Contents
- __construct() : mixed
- Setup the file-based cache object
Setup the file-based cache object
__construct(string $filename, int $memoryCacheTime) : mixed
- $filename : string
filename to be used for persistent storage
- $memoryCacheTime : int
time in milliseconds (1/1M of second) to use data after read from file before re-read it.
Only purpose of this to save on file read at sequence call like ->has() and then ->get(), therefore always set it very low.
Setting to zero (default) force to read from file each call of has(), get(), e.t.c.