
PortaDateTime extends DateTimeImmutable
in package

Immutable class to handle PortaOne billing datetime and date strings as objects

Portaone API always use UTC datetime while local timezone is essential to show/set datetime at the business-logic level.

In addition, some specific task appears like to set correct addon product change overe midnight at local time: last second of one day to end one product and 00:00:00 of the next day for the new product.

This class extends DateTimeImmutable with simple way to translate between porta-formatted UTC strings and DateTime objects in local timezone plus some useful functions to set time at specific boundaries.

Immutable means call of any modification method returns a new instance of the class.

Also, mind that default timezone may be defined in PSR-11 container, see __construct() below.

See the usage example

Table of Contents

DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG  = 'default.timezone'
Default timezone tag to retrieve default timezone from PSR-11 container
PORTA_DATE  = 'Y-m-d'
Standart Porta format for date-only string
PORTA_DATETIME  = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
Standart Porta format for date-time string
__construct()  : mixed
Setup the class
between()  : bool
Return true if object datetime is between $from and $to
firstDayNextMonth()  : PortaDateTime
return object which set to the fist day of the next month
firstMoment()  : PortaDateTime
Set time to the first moment of the day in the current timezone
formatDateTime()  : string
Returns Portaone-format datetime string in UTC for any DateTimeInterface
formatPorta()  : string
Return Porta-formatted datetime string at UTC timezone
fromInterface()  : PotrtaDateTime
Create PortaDateTime object from any DateTimeInterface object
fromPortaDateString()  : PortaDateTime
Creates PortaDateTime object from Portaone date-only string
fromPortaString()  : PortaDateTime
Creates PortaDateTime object from Porta-formatted string
inFuture()  : bool
Checks if the datetime in the future or not
inPast()  : bool
Checks if the datetime in the past or not
lastDayThisMonth()  : PortaDateTime
Return object which set to the last day of current object's month
lastMoment()  : PortaDateTime
Set time to the last moment of the day (23:59:59) in the current timezone
nextDay()  : PortaDateTime
Return object with one day later than this one
prorateTillEndOfMonth()  : float
Calculates prorated value from given date till the end of the month



Default timezone tag to retrieve default timezone from PSR-11 container

public mixed DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG = 'default.timezone'


Standart Porta format for date-only string

public mixed PORTA_DATE = 'Y-m-d'


Standart Porta format for date-time string

public mixed PORTA_DATETIME = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'



Setup the class

public __construct([string $datetime = "now" ][, string|DateTimeZone|ContainerInterface $timezone = "UTC" ][, string $timezoneTag = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG ]) : mixed

The same as standard DateTimeImmutable, but may accept timezone very different ways either DateTimeZone class or just a timezone string.

$datetime : string = "now"

The same as basic DateTime parameter

$timezone : string|DateTimeZone|ContainerInterface = "UTC"

Timezone may be supplied different ways:

  • By providing DateTimeZone object, same as base class
  • By providig string, then DateTimeZone object will be created using this string as timezone argument
  • By providing PSR-11 container object, then constructor will use get() method to retrieve DateTimeZone object or timezone string from the container. See $tomezoneTag info below. If it failed to retrieve timezone from container - it will fallbeck to UTC silently.
$timezoneTag : string = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG

optional, only used if PSR-11 container given as timezone argument to use as $timezone->get($timezoneTag). If omit, class constant PortaDateTime::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG default tag be used.

Return values


Returns Portaone-format datetime string in UTC for any DateTimeInterface

public static formatDateTime(DateTimeInterface $datetime) : string
$datetime : DateTimeInterface
Return values


Return Porta-formatted datetime string at UTC timezone

public formatPorta() : string

Shift timezone to UTC and format to Porta format datetime string.

Return values

Porta-formatted datetime string in UTC zone


Create PortaDateTime object from any DateTimeInterface object

public static fromInterface(DateTimeInterface $object) : PotrtaDateTime

Timezone of the jbject will match timezone of the given source

$object : DateTimeInterface

to convert to PortaDateTime object

Return values


Creates PortaDateTime object from Portaone date-only string

public static fromPortaDateString(string $date[, string|DateTimeZone|ContainerInterface $timezone = 'UTC' ][, string $timezoneTag = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG ]) : PortaDateTime

Creates object from Portaone date-only string with time is set to zero in desired timezone. The difference to create from full datetime porta string is that date string in the billing always related to context-local (example - customer) timzone, then need to be set right way.

$date : string
  • the date string as you got it form billing
$timezone : string|DateTimeZone|ContainerInterface = 'UTC'

Timezone may be supplied different ways:

  • By providing DateTimeZone object, same as base class
  • By providig string, then DateTimeZone object will be created using this string as timezone argument
  • By providing PSR-11 container object, then constructor will use get() method to retrieve DateTimeZone object or timezone string from the container. See $tomezoneTag info below. If it failed to retrieve timezone from container - it will fallbeck to UTC silently.
$timezoneTag : string = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG

optional, only used if PSR-11 container given as timezone argument to use as $timezone->get($timezoneTag). If omit, class constant PortaDateTime::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG default tag be used.

Return values


Creates PortaDateTime object from Porta-formatted string

public static fromPortaString(string $datetime[, string|DateTimeZone|ContainerInterface $timezone = 'UTC' ][, string $timezoneTag = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG ]) : PortaDateTime

Creates object from Portaone datetime string with desired timezone. Please, mind the billing always returns datetime in UTC.

$datetime : string
  • the datetime string as you got it form billing
$timezone : string|DateTimeZone|ContainerInterface = 'UTC'

Timezone may be supplied different ways:

  • By providing DateTimeZone object, same as base class
  • By providig string, then DateTimeZone object will be created using this string as timezone argument
  • By providing PSR-11 container object, then constructor will use get() method to retrieve DateTimeZone object or timezone string from the container. See $tomezoneTag info below. If it failed to retrieve timezone from container - it will fallbeck to UTC silently.
$timezoneTag : string = self::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG

optional, only used if PSR-11 container given as timezone argument to use as $timezone->get($timezoneTag). If omit, class constant PortaDateTime::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_TAG default tag be used.

Return values


Checks if the datetime in the future or not

public inFuture() : bool
Return values

true if datetime in the future


Checks if the datetime in the past or not

public inPast() : bool
Return values

true if datetime in the future


Return object which set to the last day of current object's month

public lastDayThisMonth() : PortaDateTime
Return values

new object with applied changes


Calculates prorated value from given date till the end of the month

public prorateTillEndOfMonth(float $fee) : float
$fee : float

Basic rate to prorate

Return values

Prorated value

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